Digital Assets

We have been working on a number of valuable educational and marketing assets for WA producers and regions.

  • WA & Regional Maps

    Available for WA as a whole and all individual wine regions, these maps show the GI boundaries, sub-regions (where relevant), cities, key towns and roads, as well as important landmarks. These are available in a variety of formats for stand-alone use or for insertion in your own documents and presentations.

  • Regional Fact Sheets (English)

    Available for all WA wine regions in English and Japanese, these incorporate maps, regional images, important statistics and graphs, as well as sections on terroir and key varieties. These are designed to be informative references for international trade and media audiences, available for ongoing use by producers and regional associations.

  • Regional Fact Sheets (Japanese)

    Available for all WA wine regions in English and Japanese, these incorporate maps, regional images, important statistics and graphs, as well as sections on terroir and key varieties. These are designed to be informative references for international trade and media audiences, available for ongoing use by producers and regional associations.

  • Margaret River Media Kit

    The Margaret River Wine Association has launched a comprehensive and compelling, new 60-page Media Kit.

    This powerful storytelling tool provides the most up-to-date and in-depth information about the region, validated through science, history and third-party endorsement.

    This project was supported by Wines of Western Australia and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, as part of the WA Wines to the World Program.

  • Wine Folly: Margaret River Region Guide

    The Wine Folly Margaret River region guide has been brought to you by the Margaret River Wine Association and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, as part of the WA Wines to the World Program.

  • Great Southern Media Kit

    Great Southern’s regional branding identity and Media Kit was a $30,000 investment supported by funding through the Great Southern Development Commission and WA Wines to the World and developed by GSWPA.

  • Australian Wine Discovered - Great Southern

    WA WINES TO THE WORLD has subsidised the development of a suite of information, tools and resources provided by Wine Australia, specifically highlighting the Great Southern Wine Region. Great Southern producers and stakeholders are encouraged to review all materials and adapt for their own presentations.

  • Short Videos (2-min) - Regional Hero Varieties

    WA WINES TO THE WORLD has adapted two existing Wine Australia videos on Margaret River Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon, plus developed a brand new video on Great Southern Riesling, with English voice overs and optional Japanese sub-titles. Videos are suitable for a variety of applications including trade and consumer masterclasses.